Scalping system #3 (2 SARs to go)
Submitted by Edward Revy on April 22, 2007 - 10:08.
Be prepared to watch the price constantly. Monitoring the price is not an easy job.
Trade the most active hours – London and New York.
EUR/USD 5 min
GBP/USD 5 min
(optionally may also trade AUD/USD)
SAR (0.01, 0.1) – on the chart
SMA 8 – on the chart
MACD (5, 8, 9) + SAR (0.01, 0.1) on this MACD
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Can someone explain. I both SAR have the same values (0.01,0.1) Isn't obvious that both will give the same trade signals.
Hi Barry,
Both SARs agree when they both show Sell signals or both show Buy signals.
This little article may explain the working principle behind Parabolic SAR indicator:
Best regards,
hi edward
what do you mean by both sars agreeing
I added the Stochastic as a third signal and it works great
Thank you, Minde!
Sorry, forgot to paste the links.
This time in MACD I'm using closing price with default parameters for this strategy.
Hi Minde,
Could you please reload the files and add links to where we can find them. Thank you.
In DealBook360 it is possible to add Parabolic SAR onto MACD only by coding in chart studio. Check the files I've attached. Open chart studio and install parabolic SAR Function first and then MACD. My MACD uses median price which is (High + Low + Close) / 3. Use it at your own risk.
That's the privilege of trading with OANDA ;-)
Try to drag and drop indicators one on another, if of course dealbook platform allows that. If you can only select an indicator from the menu, then I guess you won't succeed in merging SAR with MACD.
does anyone know how to get the macd and sar in the same graph on dealbook,
I quit scalping in favor of long term trading. It takes less time and brings same good profits.
Are you still using this system?
Hi Al,
The link is working.

But if you have any troubles, just drop me a line, I'll send it to you via email.
Hi Edward,
I'm having trouble downloading the SAR on MACD from the link.
Is it still available?
Just successfully placed SAR on MACD today.
1. Add MACD indicator.
2. Right click on MACD window, until you see a menu "Add Study".
3. Choose Parabolic SAR from the menu.
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